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Healthy lifestyle blog featuring plant-based recipes, healthy eating tips, restaurant reviews from around the world, and more.

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Filtering by Tag: healthy living

Where is Your Garlic From?

Carolina Sanchez

In recent years, garlic from China has started to come onto the market, often disguised, but there are simple ways to tell Chinese garlic apart from its Russian or US counterparts. The bulb of the former is even and rounded, without a stalk protruding and often is made up of just one garlic piece instead of many different segments like in the latter. Beyond aesthetics, there are some serious concerns with Chinese garlic.

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Eating Healthy During the Holidays

Carolina Sanchez

It is that time of the year again; everywhere we go sugary treats and bottomless casseroles and leftovers tempt us for days. Passing the plate is easy, but most people want to skip the weight gain that follows. Cue the crash diets and gym membership surge. Eating healthy during the holidays does not have to be a difficult feat. There are several things you can do to make sure you stay on track this holiday season.

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Carolina's Fruit Pick of the Week: Cherimoyas

Carolina Sanchez

This fruit is one of my absolute favorites! It brings me back to my childhood memories of seeing its peculiar green (brownish when ripe) scales in Spanish markets and handing over my pesetas (now Euros) to the frutero and running home to cut it open and indulge in its custard-like white, creamy flesh. When it's perfectly ripe, it melts in your mouth.

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D1 Student-Athletes To Have Unlimited Meals and Snacks

Carolina Sanchez

The last thing you want to hear after a 3-hour tennis practice is that the cafeteria closes in 30 minutes. So by the time you finish practice, you have to skip stretching and risk having sore muscles, or worse, injuries, and run over to the campus cafeteria with a 20 pound racquet bag on your back

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