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Papaya Passion Smoothie

Carolina Sanchez


It's finally Spring and there's nothing like sipping a refreshing smoothie in the warm weather!

My husband and I had a ripe papaya in the fridge and so many frozen bananas leftover from the case we ordered, so we decided we would make a smoothie. Let's just say we underestimated how many bananas came in a case (40 lbs=80-100 bananas)

I didn't think it would be anything to write about, but this smoothie was so delicious, and it was so simple! The reason it resonated with us both so much was how much it reminded us of the taste of "natillas," a Spanish dessert.

Natillas are a custard-like dessert made with milk, sugar, vanilla, eggs, and cinnamon. This is definitely a healthier alternative and will have you feeling vibrant. The frozen bananas definitely give it the custard-like texture and since we used ripe ones, they added to the sweetness. The papaya gave it the rich orange color and the pinch of cinnamon elevated it to the dessert that was reminiscent of our childhoods. Try it out for a refreshing treat! If you liked this recipe, give us a +1 with the Google button and leave a comment below to tell us your favorite smoothie!

Papaya Passion Smoothie


2 ripe frozen bananas

1 cup ripe papaya

pinch of ground cinnamon

1/4 c of water or more if needed


Add all ingredients to Vitamix or blender and blend until smooth. Serve and enjoy!


You can also eat this like a frozen custard if you add less water.